Monday 24 January 2011

22nd January 2011

Arrived at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Perth after an overnight flight from Johannesberg, still very hot!
23rd We had a tour of the city, stopping at Catisloe Beach where we paddled in the Indian Ocean, then on to Freemantle where we left the coach and stayed there for the rest of the day, a very busy town with lots of markets etc. We returned on a cruise boat back to Perth along the Swan River.
24th A complete change of weather (like Cornwall in July!!)very cloudy and a chilly wind! We caught the Ferry from Perth to Rottnest Island, a beautiful place. We took a tour of the Island and walked miles, saw loads of Quokka's they are like a baby wallaby, they are only found on Rottnest, the name Quokka in Aboriginal language means "meat". To find out more about the Island go to ( We returned on the ferry in time to be ready for our meal.... it's a hard life!!!
Att lunch time on the 25th we leave Perth for Mandurah for two nights, where we will be staying on the beach in a luxury chalet overlooking the Indian Ocean. From there we go to Ayres Rock, so we may not have a connection to get in touch for a few days.
Will be in touch soon!

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