Sunday 30 January 2011

30 th January 2011

This hot weather seems to be following us around, we have now got a heatwave in Melbourne, temperatures in the 40's!
Today we did the Great Ocean Road which is about 125 miles of spectacular coastline. This road was built as a memorial to the men who lost their lives in World War 1.
We stopped at several places en route, Cape Patton, Split Point Lighthouse and many more before having a picnic lunch at Apollo Bay.
We then went on to Maits Rest where we walked through the rain forest (but NO rain just the very old trees and ferns to cool us down!)
Another stopping place was the Campbell Nation Park where breakers have battered the soft limestone cliffs creating grottoes and gorges. Here you can see the stark rocks known as the Twelve Apostles, as well as London Bridge, part of which collapsed in the 1990's.
On our return journey we stopped at a lovely Italian restaurant in a town called Colac for our evening meal, all you could eat for 11 dollars each.
During this trip we stopped to see Koalas in the wild, we were lucky enough to see several and get some good pictures. Koala means "no drink" but they get all their fluid from the leaves they eat. Unfortunately we didn't see any kangaroos as they were all under cover because of the heat.
Forgot to say when we were in Ayres Rock we saw lots of camels!
See you soon!

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