Thursday 10 February 2011

10th February 2011

The highlight of today was taking a Ferry to Rose Bay and going up in a seaplane for half an hour and having a conducted tour of Sydney's coastline, another beautiful day with fantastic views. After, we went to Chinatown then spent sometime around the Harbour. We are so lucky as our hotel is situated right on the Harbour front so has lovely views all around.
In the evening we were treated toa wonderful three course dinner at the Waterfont Restaurant by Scenic Tours.We had an excellent time with plenty of first class food and drinks and really good company.
Now to bed ready for packing tomorrow!
We would LOVE to stay longer BUT would Australia want us to stay?Wherever we've been we seemed to have left destruction behind us!!! We've had the heatwave in Cairnes and left before a cyclone hit! Left Melbourne in a heatwave and they then had floods! After we left Perth they had bush fires! Just hope Sydney will be safe once we've gone!!!
Looking forward to Singapore!

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