Sunday 13 February 2011

14th February 2011

This morni g we took a taxi to China Town, what a lot of things to see! Of course all the streets were beautifully decorated, once again with plenty of "rabbits", it was all very colourful. Lovely things to buy all you needed was plenty of money, but I'm afraid ours is fast running out!!!
From there we came back to our hotel and put on our "best bib and tucker" and got another taxi to go to Raffles for lunch in the Long Bar washed down with a Singapore Sling, this is where you eat peanuts and throw all the shells on the floor, quite amusing!
We spent all the afternoon there having a good look around!
This is all for now folks as tonight we have to do our packing ready to leave here tomorrow morning. We should be back home on Wednesday night tired out!!!
One thing is for sure we shall miss this beautiful hot weather another 33 degrees again today!

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