Tuesday 1 February 2011

1st February, 2011

G'day! And what a day we have had!!!
We were up early to fly to Cairns as we were told it was safe to go as the cyclone had changed course south. But on our arrival it had changed course again and was heading straight for Cairns. Everything was closed, even our hotel! Sandbags being put out as well as doors, windows etc. being boarded up. Everyone, even locals were being evacuated it was very scary as well as interesting to see it all "happening", not a soul around!!!
We were very quickly booked on a flight out, ours being the last to leave for Brisbane before the airport closed.
This cyclone is forecast as the worse one ever, it's graded force 5 max. with wind speeds of 290kph and measures 500kms. We experienced some of the strong winds whilst there, so as you can imagine we were very pleased to get away. But a mixture of feelings, as we were obviously so disappointed not to be able to go to the Great Barrier Reef and also on the Karunda Railway that we had pre booked.
Nevermind we are thankful to have a safe arrival in Brisbane!
After a good nights sleep (we were dog tired, up at 5am and arrived here at the hotel at midnight)
We are enjoying a relaxing day on the Gold Coast. It's still very hot!
You might see all about cyclone on the TV news!
Let you know more soon!

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