Saturday 12 February 2011

11th February 2011

This morning we went to the Sky Tower to the observation deck to take photos as when we climbed it we were not allowed to take a camera. We then went to the Queen Victoria Building for lunch and then to the Strand Building, both have lovely shops and architecture. We then relaxed in the sunshine eating ice cream and watching the street entertainers on the harbour front.
We left Sydney late afternoon for the airport. The coach driver taking us jumped a red traffic light!! Oh dear, we were chased along by the police, siren going, until the driver stopped, held us up for about half an hour while he was breathalised etc!! We still got there in time for our plane.
Another incident happened on the plane! The steward was serving our evening meal and he upset "boiling" gravy on Peter's arm and all down his trousers and tee shirt! Caused a commotion for a while with them running around to get ice cubes to put on his arm! It was VERY RED and nasty so they gave him 50dollars compensation.....big deal!!!
Got tto our hotel THe Grand Copthorne Waterfront at midnight (local time) very tired!

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