Wednesday 9 February 2011

9th February 2011

It's now countdown for us as we leave here on Friday evening! We are cramming in as much as we can!
We left on the Ferry this morning for Taronga Zoo, this took just fifteen minutes. From the Ferry we then went by cable car to the top which leads to the entrance of the zoo. Here we saw lots of Australian wildlife, kangaroos, Tasmanian devils, duck billed platapuss and lots of free flying exotic birds.AS well as fantastic views of the skyscrapers over Sydney.
From the zoo we took another Ferry to Manly, which has ba k to back beaches linked by the Corso, a lovely promenade full of restaurants and tables for picnickers with lovely fountains all the way up the street.
The beaches were full of surfers so was interesting to watch, we walked for miles from one beach to another. The locals say they perfer these beaches to Bondi!
Sorry to rub it in, but another hot day!!!

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